Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lost, Feeling Fully Detached.

another day of feeling lost and detached from my body/mind, to a degree of feeling total detachment. it is like an old nightmare is coming back. it is hard to cope these days, especially today. if this keeps up i'll feel i'll not make it. better i skip work so as to be able to catch up on myself, sort to speak. i feel i'm fighting for my life here. on a daily basis, just to not fall too deep in the water.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Special Grace.

all i want is to retreat back into bed,
staying there with all my demons,
to be able to suffer in contempt,
and allow everything to come up,
i am in such a sensitive state,
if any one should intrude on me,
i might become hostile,
just leave me the heck alone,

here comes another dark night,
until dusk i stay -
awake -
my faith -
i'm losing it -
my mind -
seems too far out there,
to ever be able to,
descend back into place,

my senses so..
how can this mess,
of shattered glass,
ever be glued back,

how can i ever be a sturdy mind,
after years of inner turmoil and ramble,
..when i have lost that special grace,
that gave me faith in the first place

The Fosse.

Just because one has the force doesn't necessarily mean one is supposed to use it. It is like holding in a big dry fart.. if you hold it in too long it begins to grow in your bowel, like a tree, and then the fart becomes a big 'un.

Social Worker, Treason Into 'Their' Field Of Study, Value-Pack.

I am not a social worker by profession, but I sorta, 'accidentally', dabble into it because people have a tendency to keep me occupied in their conversational needs. There should be no treason for me to enter 'their' field of study when I have proven to be more than qualified utilizing my own competent applications in a humble intent of giving a therapeutical value-pack.

At the very least, it seems to make people nay slightly less than content. Is fab, isn't it?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The energy of the body is a very dynamic system. The oriental system of medicine is the most common form of energy healing. The Chinese revealed energy patterns in the human body. These patterns or regions of the skin became sensitized when there was impairment in the organ's functions. Organ function and skin points were mapped very diligently by the ancient culture. Only in our modern world have scientists been able to actually detect the subtle energies the body emanates. Japanese hospitals are using a sophisticated diagnostic tools premised on the energy flow within the body.

Acupuncture actually stimulates healing power by allowing the body's circuitry to be opened. To begin understanding this in Western terms we need to accept the interchangeable nature of matter, energy, mind and body. Energy Physics (astronomy/science links) defines the law of how matter and energy are really the same thing. In many spiritual beliefs and practices the view of the body and spirit is One. Matter is just a denser form of spirit, but it is still spirit. Einstein showed that mass and energy are not merely equivalent, but interchangeable. The laws of atoms define the body and the Universe.

If you find the topic of body/spirit and mass/energy interesting, the section on Physics and Consciousness may interest you, just click the link for a new window.

Another link here shows the connection and study of matter/energy/information and heart energy The Heart's Code by Dr. Paul Pearsall.

Human Body Frequency Human Energy Field Chakra location, human body Frequency chakra locations, chakra color, chakra imbalances, chakra clearings, chakra cleanings, chakra balancing,energy healing, body energy

In the Eastern world, medicine is looked at emotionally and spiritually and treats the cause, whereas the Western world views medicine as mechanical and treats the symptoms. The two worlds are slowly merging as technological advances are made.

Human Body Frequency Human Energy FieldChakra location, human body Frequency chakra locations, chakra color, chakra imbalances, chakra clearings, chakra cleanings, chakra balancing,energy healing, body energy

The body is a very special energy being. The Chakras are the main power points on the body that relates to the Chinese healing art of acupuncture. Many ancient cultures knew of these power points so they are assuredly not new. Each power point has a particular function corresponding to the mind and body. Learning to attune to these points will help you physically, emotionally and spiritually. The better you become at listening to you body, the healthier you will be in all areas of you life.

One way of "listening" to the body is noticing how sounds - music effects us. We have been around music since our conception...the drumming of the mother's beating heart. Music and rhythms are life itself and is found throughout nature and our world. When one hears a beautiful melody it stirs and quiets the soul. Whether it be via musical instruments, singing, chanting or humming, the body and mind harmonizes and the energy system becomes stabilized as each cell responds the notes and resonates with it's primal force. There are some links regarding the field of Vibrational Medicine listed under the Metaphysical Links if you care to follow up on that aspect.

Another property that helps in "listening" to our body is through the sense of smell. Many clinical studies have been done to show the relationship our sense of smell has on our emotional well being and dictates our behavior . Certain aromas will stimulate, revive and calm our minds such as peppermint- invigorates, lavender-relaxation, chamomile-soothing. We can choose to apply fragrances by diffusers, candles and teas to set an ambience for any occasion. Aromatherapy is a delightful way to help one calm and center the mind so the body can repair, heal and expand its energy.

Human Body Frequency Human Energy FieldChakra location, human body Frequency chakra locations, chakra color, chakra imbalances, chakra clearings, chakra cleanings, chakra balancing,energy healing, body energy

You will find information here regarding the individual chakras and their dynamic properties, an example of a meditative technique with some aromatherapy information, an explanation of the kundalini along with the earth chakra points and links to other realms of thinking. The Chakra Overview is summarizing the entire site, enhancing what is learned from the individual chakra pages.

After many student requests and healing inquiries, a section on Auras will be added in the near future. I'm in the process of writing the pages so please check back! In the meantime, there is much to explore within these Chakra walls.

Love and Light on your Sacred Journey into the Self!