Friday, November 13, 2009

Out From A Nonsense-Life Came A Garland Of Poses Through Mysterious Random Occurences Which Triggered Past-Life Enquiry And Altered-States Of Mind

I felt I could do no other than to sit in front of a computer all day, making philosophical enquiries and mental words-salads out of thoughts, to sit in a chair, staring at the sometimes inevitable doom of the blue screen of death, long enough to become a vegetating cyberspace hermit. Out from this nonsense life, my spiritual enquiry had already began! Who would have thought so? I certainly didn't..

So who would have thought that I, of all people out there, were to have a genuine spiritual awakening at these early ages. It's not like I am in some premature midlife-crisis either.

Yet the existential ponder I have had since I began to idle in my teeny-years, whilst sheltered from social relations and circumstances, did deliver me non-mistakenly to the garland of poses in an Ashtanga Yoga center in Oslo, after a series of 'mysterious' occurences. It was definitely not like I found this Yoga on my own, there were a bunch of 'random' occurences that seemed unmistakenly 'meant-to-be', to ever be considered in relation to personal choice of the matter.

From here on things went on its own, I was being led into what eventually some may call spiritual emergence, or altered-states, or as they might have labeled me in the ignorance of psychiatric dabble; psychotic. It is none of these, yet at times I have questioned my sanity, but in the end I know I am right, because I have these surges in my body every day now, and I clearly distinquish between what is hot and cold, what is right and wrong. What is intelligence, what is intuition. What is sanity, what is insanity.. although I found at the verge of being somewhat insane, profound sanity in it, and insanity in my previous 'sane' state of mind, which is now completely purified.

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