Monday, November 17, 2008

The Artist (Dream)

I had a creepy, near nightmarish dream last night.

I was inside this art gallery and there was an artist who had made lots of artificial intelligence bots and robots. When I approached his work he immediately drew my attention, and the artist said he wasn't the true 'Artist', but he would show me how to make them and then he put me in an elevator shaft and it eventually took me into a white hall. And then a doctor came up to me and asked if I wanted to become a half-robot, like the cyborg, assuring there would be benefits. I was with a certain unease persuaded into saying yes and he got me into a surgery room where he, without anaesthetics, drove two metal screws into each side of my diaphragmatic area and I remember it hurt like hell even though it was a dream, and then he sent me to a room with other 'half-breeds', and I felt like I couldn't control myself any more, I was under control by some sick doctor who supposedly was the 'real' Artist. And I think the guy in the art hall downstairs was just a trickery bot disguised as a human organic being to give the Artist new half-breed specimens for his artificial intelligence exhibition that seemed to be the main attraction inside the art gallery. I somehow woke up with the feeling that there are so many beautiful things about human beings, there are so many subtle, characteristic things that make them 'special'. And when people are beautiful, others will try to take advantage of them for 'special' personal agenda. The world will always be a scary place if you feel like someone very special.


Sometimes I feel like a pranayama bot.